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Types of Research paper

Each research article that is submitted to the journal must be the author's unique work, not previously published in another journal, and contain either experimental results or theoretical application. The Research paper Publish Journals strict peer review requirements must be met in order for a research article to be considered for publication. All authors are urged not to submit content that contains plagiarism. GoToppr ensures the originality of the work with a plagiarism checker and delivers the plagiarism report along with the research paper.

Research article categories

The following list includes some of the main article categories that our journals publish:

Original Research: These research papers ought to discuss the original research effort in detail and with care. It should outline the research process and experiments carried out to produce the new findings. To allow others to quickly and readily verify the work, it should be accurate and comprehensive.

Short Note: It is not a fully comprehensive article or whole transaction with some new discoveries; rather, a short note typically describes a novel idea and invention. Typically, a brief comment describes how a particular technology innovation has changed the situation.

Survey/Review Articles: Review articles present a systematic and accurate literature review of a certain topic or issue, whereas survey papers present the common, comprehensive findings of numerous study effort analyses.

Paper Layout for Research papers

Authors can write their manuscript in a separate A4-sized document, then copy it or cut it out, and paste it into a journal template. Another choice is to start your research paper writing by using a template. Only English-language research from authors is permitted, and the only acceptable font is Times New Roman. The TABLE lists the main typeface and paragraph requirements. Depending on the author's preferred writing style for the manuscript, either Roman or numeric numerals may be used for numbers. The section's heading and subheading can be written in sentence case or uppercase. Aim to make the manuscript concise and between 5 and 8 pages long. Body text is justified throughout (not heading and subheading). GoToppr submit the paper to journals based on the guidelines provided by the journals. Each journal follows a different style, our team ensures all the guidelines are strictly followed before going for the submission process.

Font and Paragraph Specifications for PhD paper

The tables below provide some details about the specification of the journal paper but it depends upon the journal standard and template.
Paper Preparation
Font: Times New Roman Text Alignment Font Size
Author’s Name Normal Centre 14
Paper Title Bold Centre 24
Abstract & Keywords Bold Justify 10
Headings Bold Centre 11
Author Affiliations Normal Centre 10
Sub Heading Bold and Italic Left or Centre 10
Body Text, Equations Normal Justify 10
Bibliography Normal Justify 9

Paper Layout for research papers

PhD Paper Layout
Line Spacing Single
Top Margin 2 cm
Right margin 1.6 cm
Bottom margin 1.6 cm
Left Margin 2.1 cm
Header 1.2 cm
Footer 1.2 cm


GoToppr' technical professionals have extensive research expertise, so they write papers with strong research concepts and according to IEEE standards. GoToppr also offers publication support and full acceptance guarantee.

GoToppr offers assistance related to paper research-proposal, research concept, paper writing, sourcecode implementation, submission to the journals, review comments correction, and publication.

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