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Research wizards advise phd scholars on research education or phd education, phd course, a fully funded phd, and phd online that allows phd scholars to obtain a doctoral degree.

GoToppr - Champion for research education or phd education, as well as in phd course

Ph.D. is the short form of Doctor of Philosophy. The scholars who completed Masters's Degree in the relevant domain can pursue the Ph.D. The eligibility criterion varies for Arts and Science, Management Studies, and Engineering graduates. The duration for the doctoral degree is a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 6 years as per the Anna University norms; this criterion also varies from one University to the other.

Research Education by GoToppr

GoToppr offers research education service for the students to pursue research in their respective domain by guaranteeing safe and productivity in educational institutions. Our Ph.D. education service experts are highly skilled to understand the needs of the students over the call or research education online help. Our research education service experts help the scholars in research to the real world by embracing innovation and creative thinking. GoToppr team feed research scholars with information related to the phd course, phd online, and fully funded phd.

Benefits of a PhD Education

Ph.D. is the highest degree awarded by the University and is a prestigious degree. The Ph.D. degree holder can become a teacher in any College or University without any additional certification. They can be qualified by the private and public sectors in leadership opportunities and find desirable employment.

Role of a doctorate in Society after acheiving Ph.D. Education

While considering the problem solving and research gap identification field the Ph.D. professional will be enrolled to answer the critical questions. A doctoral degree in any field takes the personals to senior or higher-level decision-makers that make the upward mobility.


The subject for Ph.D. differs from one course to the other. While considering Humanities, the available Ph.D. courses are Social work, Economics, Public policy, Social Science, and so on. A scholar can choose the subject concerning the Masters's degree and the area of interest.

The minimum qualification required for the scholars to get Admission in Anna University is
PhD qualification
No. Programme Qualification
1 Ph.D. Degree in Engineering/ Technology M.E. / M.Tech. / M.S. from the relevant branch of Engineering.
2 Ph.D. Degree in Arts and Science M.Sc. / M.S or M.C.A/ M.A from relevant branch of Arts and Science.
3 Ph.D. Degree in Management Sciences MBA / PG Diploma from IIM/MS from relevant branch of Management Sciences.
For M.Tech./M.E./M.S. or equivalent, with 60% marks or 6.75 CGPA on a 10-point scale.
For M.Sc./MBA/M.A. or equivalent, with 60% marks or 6.75 CGPA on a 10-point scale.
According to the University certain qualifications may vary. Our Ph.D. education service team provides the necessary services to obtain the Ph.D. in a reputed organization.

The minimum and maximum duration for the Ph.D. course varies from University to University. The time duration for completing the Ph.D. from Anna University for both the Full Time and Part Time courses is given below.
PhD course duration
No Programme Minimum Duration Maximum Duration
Full Time Part Time Full Time/Part Time
1 Engineering/Technology/ Architecture and Planning 2 3 6
2 Science and Humanities 3 4 6
3 Management
Engineering Qualification 2 3 6
Science Qualification 3 4 6
Our Ph.D. education service team experts help the scholars to complete the Ph.D. within the provided time with best quality work.

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